Construction Management
A construction project is an investment that requires both time and capital. Having an experienced engineering consultant helping to advise from the design process, price calculation of contractor employment, construction supervision, and the systematic examination of work. This helps the project owner get the results that meet their desired standards with expenses within the specified budget and completed within the planned timeline.
The scope of construction management includes the responsibility of event planning and supervision to be able to proceed with the construction as efficiently as possible to the correct standardized format according to academic principles. As well as controlling the use of resources and time to meet the set goals using our “BIM” program to help in designing or inspect previous designs, which can show the conflicts in design from each system. It will result in faster model correction and editing when combining data. The scope of works that are included in the structural work and systems architecture as follows: General buildings, Office buildings, Factory buildings, and Apartment buildings. Operations are divided into 3 phases as follows:

Pre-construction Phase
There is a service for checking the designs and comparing each system before construction. If any conflicts are found, the project owner will be notified for further design changes.
There is a service to check the quantity and the price estimation, both already prepared or the new quantity and price estimation.
Preparation of documents for price bidding and various employment contracts.
Conducting a contractor selection bid, compare prices, and make suggestions for project owners in selecting contractors. 


Construction phase
Organize a team of personnel with knowledge, ability, and experience to the station at the construction site to complete the operations management and supervision of the construction project, according to the proposal of the manpower plan attached to the contract.
Organize a Weekly Project Meeting between agents, employers, consultants contractors, and other related parties along with recording the meeting details so that the construction work proceeds successfully and quickly according to the planned project objectives.
Define the format and procedure for coordination between each department Including employers, consultants, designers, and contractors.
Prepare a summary of the project report or record the progress of the work in the forms of daily reports, weekly meeting reports, and monthly progress reports including analyzing problems, obstacles, and suggestions for solutions.
Check and approve the construction plan, personnel, manpower, and machinery of the contractor.
Consider and approve the contractor's operations in the following steps:
  ► Request for use of materials and equipment in the project.
  ► Detailed design proposals before construction (Shop drawing).
  ► The construction in each step shall be in accordance with the design specified or in accordance with the installation standards of the manufacturer.
Check the performance of contractors in each installment. By checking the work for the correct quality and quantity according to the designs and the list of construction specified in the construction contract. Inspect and approve payment installments for contractor work.
Test various systems before final inspection of the electrical system, plumbing system, air conditioning system.
Make a list of defects in the work that the contractor must fix or change (Punch List) and control and inspect until the process is complete before the final delivery of the work. 


Post-construction phase 
Collect as-built drawings, construction documents, manuals for using various equipment in the project, and key sets for the project owner.
We provide a service for checking the damage during the warranty and before the insurance is expired in order to consider refunding the deposit for insurance (Option).


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